It’s important that we eat our greens - and it’s good to get our dogs eating theirs too. Our dogs need a variety of foods and nutrients in their diet, and vegetables are a great way to give them extra fibre, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes.
There’s so many veggies that you can safely feed your dog, so next time you’re cooking for the family, set aside some extra! Just always be sure to make sure that they are chopped small enough for your pooch to eat, washed thoroughly and introduced into their diet slowly. Here’s a few veggies to add to your shopping list…
Kale is a superfood for us humans, and great in our salads and smoothies. It’s also got loads of benefits for your dog. It helps fight heart disease, arthritis, allergies and urinary tract problems. Add around one ounce of kale to your dogs meal to give them that extra boost of goodness at mealtimes!
You may already know that carrots are great for dogs, as they have established themselves as a popular canine snack. Chomping on a carrot is not only healthy for your dog’s eyesight and immune system, but it also cleans their teeth. They are also useful to freeze in the summer to serve as a cooling snack. You could also try and puree a carrot and add it to water for your dog to drink. They may find this easier to eat and digest and it may encourage them to drink more water if that is not something that they are particularly good at remembering to do.
Who doesn’t love cucumber? They are refreshing and hydrating and contain lots of phytonutrients and antioxidants. This is great news for dogs as they offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Like carrots, they make the perfect crunchy, low calorie snack between meals, so stock up on cucumber! Especially in the summer to up your dog's hydration.
Green beans
Sticking with the green theme, you can also feed your dog green beans. Just make sure that they are plain, as opposed to anything pre-seasoned. You can feed them to your dog chopped, steamed, raw or even canned. They are a super safe veggie. Green beans will give your dog a boost, providing them with a bit of extra fibre, protein, iron, calcium and vitamins.
Celery is another dog-safe treat. As we know, celery is super low calorie, so perfect for a dog who needs their weight managed. It’s packed full of beneficial vitamins, keeping their immune system in check, improving their eyesight, skin, muscles and nervous system. Celery also contains the mineral manganese. Manganese helps to maintain a good blood sugar balance, reduces inflammation and promotes good bone health. What’s not to love?
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